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 9.[ETC / Building Material]<br>Polyurethane Foam Spray 9.[ETC / Building Material]<br>Polyurethane Foam Spray 9.[ETC / Building Material]<br>Polyurethane Foam Spray

9.[ETC / Building Material]
Polyurethane Foam Spray

 9.[ETC / Building Material]<br>Polyurethane Foam Spray
④ World GUN 151

World GUN 151
The nozzle is getting thinner as it runs to
the tip so you can fill even narrow corner.

How to use

- Shake foam can sufficiently and
install the can on the gun.

- Open the set-screw and pull the trigger.

- The foam output can be controlled by turning
the set-screw.

- After using, remove the can from the gun
and clean the gun several times until
internal remains are completely gone.

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① Word Foam

World Foam
is one component type Polyurethane which is hardened
by humidity in the air once it has been sprayed from the can.

Its foam expansion and adhesiveness is excellent to fill
various gaps, empty space and cracks perfectly
and also, it presents outstanding quality for multiple properties
such as thermo-keeping, insulation and sound-proof.

OPTION 1. Gun-Type
is foam for professional in many construction sites where
lots of foam are used.
By using foam gun (Foam Gun), the part to be worked
can be completed fast and correctly.

OPTION 2. Adapter Type
is single-use foam which can be used conveniently using adapter
and tube in work sites where
small amount of foam are used or home.

In case there is residual amount of foam after use,
keep tube inserted in the projected part of the adapter to prevent
fast hardening of the foam and you can re-use it conveniently
(Registered as utility model).

♧ Features
• World foam is curded by air humidity
• Word foam is tack free with in 15 minutes
• Free CFC , environment friendly
• Eliminates vibration , reduces noise and good maintenance of heat
• High adhesive power
• World foam is water, petrol, oil, acid, solvent, microorganism
and corrosion- resistant

♧ Applications
• Fixing and insulating door/window frames
• Filling joints of panel
• Insulation and sound proof for cooling/heating system
• Filling cracks inside and outside of building and fixing piping surroundings
• Expansion joint of top ALC and preventing condensation

♧ Manufacturing Specifications
• Working temperature
: +5℃~ +30℃ (optimal temp. +20℃)

• Heat resistant temperature
: -30℃ ~ +80℃ (after hardening)

• Density : 20 ~ 30 kg/㎥

• Thermal conductivity
: 0.020 ~ 0.040 W/m.k (avg. temp 20°C)

• Water absorption
: 0.1 ~ 3.0g /100㎠

• Surface hardening time
: 10 ~ 15 minutes (Avg. temp 20°C, humidity 60%)

• Elapse time for cut
: 40 ~ 60 minutes (Avg. temp 20°C, humidity 60%)

• Elapse time for complete hardening
: 24 hours (avg. temp 20°C, humidity 60%)

• Combustibility fire class
: DIN 4102 B3

• Foaming capacity
: Max.40ℓ

• Period for storage (avg. temp 20°C)
: 12 months from the date of manufacturing

* Above specifications subject to change
without notice for product quality improvement.
* Products for special specification are available.
(Adapter & GUN Type)

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② World Spray Foam

World Spray Foam adalah
adalah salah satu jenis komponen polyurethane yang akan mengeras
oleh kelembaban di udara setelah disemprotkan dari kaleng.

busa yang mengembang dan daya rekat sangat baik untuk menghilangkan kebisingan, dan retak sempurna dan juga, World Foam menyajikan kualitas luar biasa untuk beberapa
properti seperti thermo-keeping, insulasi dan kedap suara.

adalah untuk profesional pada banyak lokasi konstruksi
yang menggunakan banyak busa Dengan menggunakan
Gun-Type , bagian yang akan dikerjakan
dapat diselesaikan cepat dan benar.

adalah busa sekali pakai yang dapat digunakan dengan nyaman
menggunakan adapter. dan tabung untuk pengerjaan
yang membutuhkan busa sedikit atau dirumah.

pada kondisi terdapat sisa foam setelah penggunaan,
simpan tabung dengan memasukkannya ke dalam bagian
yang diproyeksikan dari adaptor untuk mencegah
pengerasan busa dan Anda dapat menggunakannya
kembali dengan mudah.
PU Word Spray Foam:
* Penyemprotan luas memungkinkan pengerjaan cepat pada permukaan besar
* Konstruksi interior, konstruksi papan lantai di gym, dll, menghilangkan kebisingan antar lantai pada
* bangunan seperti apartemen (Dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti dinding lebar,
bagian luar bak mandi, dan sebagai pengganti styrofoam)
* Berlaku untuk berbagai bidang

*Suhu kerja +18℃~ +30℃ (suhu kerja optimal +20℃)(BARU)
*Suhu tahan panas (setelah proses curing) -30℃ ~ +80℃ kepadatan Lebih dari 20 kg/㎥
* Konduktivitas termal (suhu rata-rata 20℃) 0,020 ~ 0,040 W/m.k penyerapan air 0,1 ~ 3,0g /100㎠
* Waktu pengerasan permukaan (suhu rata-rata 20℃, kelembapan 60%) 10 hingga 15 menit
* Waktu pengeringan penuh (suhu rata-rata 20℃, kelembapan 60%) 24 jam
* Luas area berbusa(BARU) 2~3m² (tergantung ketebalan)

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③ World Foam Cleaner

World Foam Cleaner
After work, clean the foam gun, nozzle and valve
and remove extra flexible foam flowed out
by using World Foam Cleaner.

- Polyurethane Foam Cleaner is used for
removing the residue of polyurethane foam
and cleaning the spray gun
- Cleansing should be done berfore the residue
of polyurethane foam is hardened.
- Otherwise, cleaning is not possible and
the residue reaming unremoved.
- For removing the resiude of polyurethane
foam or erasing unnecessarily spread part,
depress the valve of the redbuttoned cleaner.

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Gading Bukit Indah Blok H No.18
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240 Indonesia.
Telp : (+62) 21 2245 9153
Fax : dyseo2378@gmail.com
Email : ant21.adm@gmail.com
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